At Ringwood Spiders, we are proud of the programs we conduct.
Over the last few years we have grown from solely being a football club, to being a recreational club that fills the varying needs of people with a mild to medium intellectual disability - hence our name change to Ringwood Spiders All-Abilities Sports club.

One of the main aims of the Spiders is to provide everyone an opportunity to participate. Winning is great and always raises the spirits of the players, but it is not our main aim. Learning new skills - both physical and social, forming friendships and giving people an opportunity to be their best whatever level that may be and having fun; that's what's important at the Spiders.
We also pride ourselves on being an inclusive club and welcoming people regardless of gender, race or religion.

Senior Squad:
Depending on the number of participants, we field one or two teams in the FIDA Football League. Where there are two teams, they are known as The Reds and The Blacks. The team trains during the season and in a structured pre-season program. FIDA is a mixed competition and therefore allows both men and women to play football. We support this and welcome everyone.

Junior Development Squad:
Our skill development program for children aged approximately 5 to 14.

Off-season and Recreation Programs:
Activities during the year and out of season such as cricket, lawn bowls, indoor cricket, mini golf, tenpin bowling and educational activities.
We also have functions throughout the year where special guests join us and share their experiences. These are known as our 'Developing Lives' evenings and aim to enlighten and teach not just our players, but parents also.

As another example of our commitment, in 2012 we established a Netball program for women and men with mild to medium intellectual disability within the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
It has now grown into Eastern All-abilities Netball. For further information regarding Netball, go to the: Eastern All-abilities Netball Facebook page, or contact Eastern All-abilities Netball at

There is an eligibility criteria to participate in all our programs, but not to support them. The Spiders are known for having a great supporter base and this creates a wonderful atmosphere, particularly at our Home games at Jubilee Park.
Click on the links to the left to find out more about the programs and activities at 'The Spiders'.

Code of Conduct & Gender Equity:
The Ringwood Spiders All-abilities Sports club is committed to the principles of Respect, Fair Play, Teamwork and Gender Equity.
As a result our Code of Conduct & Gender Equity policy has been developed to reflect our club’s commitment, values and behaviour expectations.
In addition we are committed to continuing to be a leader within our sport, league and local community.
The Code of Conduct & Gender Equity Policy is applicable to everyone involved with the Spiders: Players, Coaches, Parents and Supporters and the Committee and is based on the principles of Respect, Fair play and Teamwork.
Download your copy by clicking the link to the left.